How To Set Goals This Week - The Weekly Resolution

How To Set Goals This Week

Home/Chantals2020WeeklyChallenge/How To Set Goals This Week

After spending last week nagging, we will now set goals to start solving some of the problems we nagged about last week.

Welcome to my blog, my name is Chantal Souaid Mchantaf and I decided to ditch new year resolutions this year and instead make weekly challenges to myself and to you. Read more about the #Chantals2020WeeklyChallenge. We are now in week 30 and we are learning to set goals.


Here’s how we will set goals this week and every week!

Setting goals is among the best skill you can ever learn in your life!


1. Start with a problem you want to solve. As you decide on the problem, it will definitely be linked to an area of your life, get to know what area that is.

  • Family
  • Religion and Spirituality
  • Career
  • Attitude
  • Personal Growth
  • Health
  • Relationships
  • Social life
  • Finance

2.Set clear SMART goals in each area, or just choose one as a start.

SMART goals need to be:

  • S – Specific: Decide on a precise goal.
  • M – Measurable: Make sure that your goal can be quantified.
  • A – Attainable: It’s not going to the moon. (Unless an astronaut is reading this article!)
  • R – Realistic: Make sure that your goal is something that you can do, given the resources you have.
  • T – Time-bound: Set a deadline of when you want this goal to be done.

3.Set sub-goals that will help you reach each goal. Detail the smaller goals that will help you achieve the bigger goals. For example, if your goal is to run the 42 KM marathon in November, then your sub-goal will be to go to the gym at least once every week from January until November. Another sub-goal will be to eat healthy, etc.

4.Divide your goals into monthly goals. Decide what month you would like to achieve each goal, then write it down on your phone’s calendar (or actual calendar if you have one). Sticking to the marathon example, if the marathon is in November, decide to write your goal in such a way: “I would like to run the 42 KM marathon this year in November” then in your monthly goals of November, write it. As for your sub-goal, write for each month’s goals: “I will go to the gym every week to prepare myself for the marathon in November.” Repeat it every month if it is something that you need to do monthly. Same applies to eating healthy or cutting back on junk food.

5. Divide your monthly goals into weekly and daily goals: After deciding that you need to run every month in order to be fit for November’s marathon, write weekly goals that include: “Go to the gym on Wednesday from 6:00 pm till 8:00 pm”. So for every Wednesday, write that you need to go to the gym, so you make sure that you don’t do any other plans. In this case, it will be much easier to use a digital calendar since you can have a recurring event, yet don’t let this issue fret you.

Let’s Set Goals This Week

6.Take it one step at a time: do not worry yourself with all the goals that you have, take it one month at a time, then one week at a time, then one day at a time and if you abide by your plans, you will definitely achieve your goals.

7. Remember the word “Realistic”: when talking about your SMART goals, I mentioned realistic, so keep the realistic part in mind and do not set goals that are far-fetched and don’t set too many goals! Just think in a smart way and set smart goals.

8. Implement and have fun! The most rewarding part of this whole goal setting is having fun and implementing your goals, so implement them and have fun!

9. Reflect: same as you should be doing with everything in life, you need to step back and reflect on your goals and plans. This is where you can amend and alter goals and sub-goals, also add-in some more.

Here are some journal prompts for you to think about.




Chantal Souaid

Chantal is a certified Maxwell Leadership coach and a LogoCoach certified from LOGOTHERAPY MENA (The Official Logotherapy Institution in the MENA Region and the Official Representative of the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy Texas, USA). She created the Weekly Resolution®️ method and the Uno-Trio®️ Life Balance concept as tools to support her work. Through her coaching and training, she helps people achieve their meaningful dreams and goals by taking it one week at a time.

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