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How To Set Our Priorities this Week

I have always told you why I was doing Chantal's 2020 Weekly Challenge, but I never told you what motivated me to do it. I guess in a way, I lied to you.

On December 21 2020, my boss told me that the project that I gave the last 5 years of my life for is closing in Lebanon. I had given priority to this project over my husband, over my family, over my pregnancy, I was pregnant with Twins and still stood training for days, when I started early labor before my 7th month, I gave this project priority, I was in a delivery room for 11 days and I was still giving this project, Christy, my colleague at work, was coming over, I was signing checks, making plans, and directing the work.

Nurses would come in and ask me to sleep since I was on A strict bed rest and I would tell them that I still needed to send this one last email, sign this one last check and make this one last call. Nurses would ask Christy to leave the room so I could pee in bed, yes I couldn't get out of bed and the day I delivered was a day off where I spent more than 8 hours working. One day after delivering I was up and working. One week after delivery I was in a training room.

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You can improve the quality of your life one week at a time

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