Blog - The Weekly Resolution


15SepHow to work from home in lockdown

How to Productively Work from Home During COVID19 Lockdown

I don't know about you, but I miss waking up early , putting my suite on, then rushing to leave the house before the morning traffic, then reaching the office before everyone else does, making my coffee and starting to check my emails.

There is something phenomenal about leaving the house to go to work, it's like a divider in your file, it clearly separates your personal life from your professional life. You leave one place with all it's worries and joys and you physically move to another realm. It's like having a wedding party that clearly cuts your life in two halves.

Working from home is a blessing, but it gets overwhelming if we don't organize it properly. Add to that the stress of a new life, a new world order, a new norm and it becomes stressful.

Here's how you can be productively working from home during COVID19 lockdown.

Read moreHow to Productively Work from Home During COVID19 Lockdown

How To Set Our Priorities this Week

I have always told you why I was doing Chantal's 2020 Weekly Challenge, but I never told you what motivated me to do it. I guess in a way, I lied to you.

On December 21 2020, my boss told me that the project that I gave the last 5 years of my life for is closing in Lebanon. I had given priority to this project over my husband, over my family, over my pregnancy, I was pregnant with Twins and still stood training for days, when I started early labor before my 7th month, I gave this project priority, I was in a delivery room for 11 days and I was still giving this project, Christy, my colleague at work, was coming over, I was signing checks, making plans, and directing the work.

Nurses would come in and ask me to sleep since I was on A strict bed rest and I would tell them that I still needed to send this one last email, sign this one last check and make this one last call. Nurses would ask Christy to leave the room so I could pee in bed, yes I couldn't get out of bed and the day I delivered was a day off where I spent more than 8 hours working. One day after delivering I was up and working. One week after delivery I was in a training room.

Read moreHow To Set Our Priorities this Week

You can improve the quality of your life one week at a time

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