Grab Your Morning Coffee with Chantal - The Weekly Resolution

Grab Your Morning Coffee with Chantal

Home/Chantals2020WeeklyChallenge/Grab Your Morning Coffee with Chantal

Imagine you could get the inspiration you need to start a purposeful and more intentional week.

Imagine you could set weekly goals and implement them before the week has ended.

Imagine a better year and better life.

Imagine yourself managing your time and avoiding procrastination.

Grab a coffee with me every Monday at 8am as part of Chantals’s 2020 Weekly Challenge and together we make make all this true.

If you are not part of our Facebook community, please join us by clicking on this link to learn more and to grab a coffee with me.

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Together, we can make 2020 memorable.

Chantal Souaid

Chantal is a certified Maxwell Leadership coach and a LogoCoach certified from LOGOTHERAPY MENA (The Official Logotherapy Institution in the MENA Region and the Official Representative of the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy Texas, USA). She created the Weekly Resolution®️ method and the Uno-Trio®️ Life Balance concept as tools to support her work. Through her coaching and training, she helps people achieve their meaningful dreams and goals by taking it one week at a time.

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